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Monday, March 17, 2008

New Venture

Things have been a little hectic for the past week. This past Saturday, I put my son on a plane bound for Germany for the week. I have really missed him this week. I didn't expect it to be quite so difficult for him to be gone. I think it has made me realize we're not far from having no children at home. That makes me sad as I love being a mom!

Anyway - I also signed a contract to become a jeweler with Premier Jewelry. Premier is a company founded in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. The couple who started the company did so to help women have the ability to show and sell jewelry that was good quality and yet still be affordable. The company is based on Christian principles and is very open in their sharing of the Gospel. They support multiple missionary projects around the world with the proceeds from their company and encourage their jewelers to look beyond themselves to see opportunities. I am truly excited and I love their products. I will have a link on my sidebar to their website.

Since we're off for Spring Break this week - posting will probably be sporadic. I am heading out to help our daughter and son-in-law do some work on the house they will be moving into this summer. Okay - I get to spend time with them and our granddaughter too!!!

Happy Easter to everyone! He is risen!!! He is risen!!!

Spring is sprung!!!


i beati said...

rebirth and those words he is risen = makes me swell just to say them [how much investment is Premier jewelry?Happy break!!

Kathy said...

Enjoy your spring break and your daughter's family. One of my favorite pairs of earrings is Premier and I've had them for years. It's good quality.

Missy said...

I beati - You can check out their information at The cost may seem a little high to start out but the business is designed to attract people who are truly interested in running this as a business. You have the option of purchasing a sample of products (that are yours to wear) but to have for display at shows. I am very excited about the opportunity. You are welcome to email me with questions -

Kathy - I did enjoy getting to see my daughter, son-in-law, and granddaughter.

I have several pieces - some that you can't get any longer and have enjoyed the quality! I am excited about the opportunity!

Happy Easter, friend!

CimA said...

I was so proud of you tonight! You did so well at your first party! Congrats on all of it. It was a lot of fun.