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Tuesday, July 24, 2007


We are in the midst of trying to decide where we want to run away to for a few days. We have not really taken any time away this summer and it's almost gone. Since the Texas legislature mandated a later start date, we do have a little extra time, but that is my busy time at the office (really it's busy all the time!).

So we are thinking someplace a little cooler - maybe New Mexico or even Colorado but we need to keep fairly close as we don't get to take many days so travel is an issue. Our son wants to fish - why I'm not sure, as he is not crazy about eating fish. I guess if I will cook it for him, he might eat it. We would like to have some place where we can get out and hike or just enjoy the outside a bit without melting!

Raton, New Mexico has some interesting areas around it. It is just at the edge of the mountains, there are streams and a couple of lakes relatively close, and a shooting range that looks really cool! Also, Raton is apparently home to a good golf course, but that's not in my area of expertise.

Availability of lodging, things to do, proximity to other areas (i.e. Trinidad, CO, Cimarron, NM, etc.) are some of the reasons Raton comes to mind.

I have to admit - any place that I can just enjoy the company of my spouse and my son would be wonderful. One thing would make it better and that is if our daughter, son-in-law, and granddaughter could be there as well.

I am looking forward to it. I guess I had better get our reservations made and decide what fun things we are going to do while we're gone.


Texas Red said...

maybe next year...

Kathy said...

I can sure identify with what you are saying. I've been hurrying to make reservations this week also for a getaway before school starts back. My husband is a teacher and has to go back on Aug. 3. It sounds like you have some good places to choose from, though! Have fun! We decided on the beach because it's not so far away.

WomanHonorThyself said...

hey come to NY!..ha! :)

Frasier said...

We got in that panic mode seemed like we hardly travelled this year.Remember to use or any of those websites to cut prices.
It is always so nice to read your Bible by a camp fire or just sit and hear the birds in the trees(I always strain my ears for bears in the night)when you go camping !

AmPowerBlog said...

Well, do have yourself a good time! I love summer. Fish is good, too!

Missy said...

Thanks for all the comments! We will have to decide after spouse gets home from business trip tomorrow.

Angel - NYC is too far to drive in the short amount of time we have and I DO NOT FLY - at least I do not like to fly! :)

Incognito said...

How fun deciding!

Love New Mexico...

or what about Flagstaff.. Kinda cute town, foresty and close to lots of things.