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Sunday, May 13, 2007

Mother's Day Musings

Today is Mother's Day and I began thinking about our children. We have a son and a daughter and a granddaughter on the way. I wish I could find the words to explain to my children how precious they are to me. I am so very proud of both of them and it is not for any accomplishments they have made so far in their lives, although they both have many. I am proud of them because they are my children!!! I told them a long time ago that there was never anything they could do to make me not love them, that I would be their biggest fan and cheerleader, and would always be here for them when they fail.

As I write these words, I think that is just a small sample of how God feels about each of us. Our sermon at church tonight was on the DNA of the Christian life. Our pastor made an excellent point of how each one of us, at our salvation, is infused with the DNA of God's Spirit. That Spirit is what gives us guidance, provides reprimand when needed, and gives discernment into God's will. What an awesome thought - that the Creator of the entire universe knows me by name, knows the number of hairs on my head, knows everything I have ever done and loves me beyond my human understanding!

I know there have been a lot of times when I was not the mother my children needed. That is my biggest regret in looking back over my children's lives. However, I love them more than I can say and would give my life for them. I would not sacrifice their lives for the rest of the world, though! That is the free gift God has given us.

John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that He gave his one and only Son, that whosever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life." NIV

1 comment:

Texas Red said...

don't ever doubt that they love you, too...and that you are the best mom in the world!