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Thursday, June 21, 2007

I saw this site on Panhandle Poet's blog. I love the code (I always wanted to be a cowgirl anyway but maybe it's more a state of mind than a vocation!)

Thank you for allowing me to be a part of this blogroll. I am truly honored! The link to this site is included.

The Cowboy Code

1. A cowboy always tells the truth and keeps his word.
2. A cowboy is a Patriot and stands for Truth, Justice and the American way.
3. A cowboy never betrays a trust or takes advantage.
4. A cowboy is brave, but never careless.
5. A cowboy defends the weak and helps them.
6. A cowboy is kind to children, old folks, and to animals.
7. A cowboy is free from racial and religious prejudice.
8. A cowboy is clean about his person and in thought, word, and deed.
9. A cowboy is loyal, hard working and maintains a high ethic.
10. A cowboy is thankful for what God has given him.


Incognito said...

Love it! Tood bad we all don't have a little of the cowboy within us.

Frasier said...

Cool !I wish they'd kick some cowboy into the Dixie chicks,Jimmy Carter etc

Anonymous said...

I think the cowboys are the knights in shining armor, really.

But I do like the Dixie Chicks because they speak up.